Episode #11: How to Avoid the Negative Side of Habits

As a coach who literally teaches how to embrace habits to create an extraordinary life, it may surprise you that I’m bringing up the negative side of routines. I love my morning routine and how it sets me up for the day, and I wouldn’t change much about it. On the other hand, my evening habit of eating ice cream happened so often that I would head to the freezer each night without even thinking about it. The difference between the two habits (other than one of them made me gain a few pounds,) is that one is done with intention, while the other was done without a second thought.  

When you start doing things - even good habits - without thinking, there can sometimes be serious consequences. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the pitfalls of performing your habits unconsciously, and how shaking things up a bit can often lead to unexpected and inspiring results. 


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:19] An example of how good routines help you achieve your goals.
  • [02:57] How a firefighter helped me see the negative side of routine.
  • [04:35] Change comes from doing things differently, not from complacency.
  • [06:14] When a small change in my day resulted in a very happy surprise.
  • [0:7:00] How you can harness the feedback loop of thoughts and feelings to change things in your life for the better. 
  • [10:56] How I used this technique to build a better relationship with my daughter. 


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In the Next Episode

I’ve been talking about how important habits and routines are to accomplishing your goals and creating an extraordinary life. But if you aren’t clear on where you are going or what you want to be doing, then you probably aren’t sure what those routines and habits need to be. That’s why it’s so important to clarify your life vision. I think this is the most important of the 6 High Performance Habits, even if (like me,) you aren’t aiming to be one of the most successful people in the world.   

How do you know you’re lacking clarity? A big clue is feeling overwhelmed in life; it feels like there are so many things to do, and there never seems to be enough time or energy to do them all. 

If this sounds too familiar to you, listen to the next episode for the basics of finding clarity and creating a vision for your life.


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