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Episode #2: Why I Hired a Coach

In this episode, I share part of my coaching journey, what led me to hire a coach of my own, and how a pony gave me my biggest “aha!” moment.  

Like many of my own clients, I reached out for help for two reasons: I had big dreams and goals, but wasn’t sure how to get started. I was at a standstill, and I needed clarity. Having just completed my High Performance Coach training at the time, I knew that clarity was what I needed in order to start taking actions on my goals… but despite my many tools and training, I couldn’t get unstuck on my own. 

We all need help sometimes, including experienced coaches! What I got was accountability, support, and best of all, I started taking action towards my dreams again. Listen now for the whole story.


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:05] The story of how I found my passion in High Performance Coaching
  • [04:00] Where I became stuck in my business
  • [05:17] My first “aha” moment while working with my coach
  • [08:20] How a pony helped me find the clarity I was seeking
  • [12:03] Why taking action is a necessity 
  • [14:58] Finding your community 


Show Resources

If you're ready to connect with YOUR dreams and find clarity on where you want to go next, you’re ready for my Design Your Decade Goals & Dreams Workshop. Learn More here. 


In the Next Episode

In next week’s episode, I’m sharing what my favorite and most successful clients all have in common. Will you see yourself in any of them?


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