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Episode #3: 5 Characteristics of My (Favorite) Clients

Have you ever wondered what type of person seeks out a coach? Or are you curious if you could benefit from coaching yourself? In this episode, I’m sharing the common characteristics of my favorite clients, and I’m taking a page from the way my amazing yoga instructor teaches his classes.

My Yogi, Kofi Busia, uses stories from his life to help us understand the moves and lessons of the day. Today, I’m going to tell you about someone who inspires me, and how she reminds me of my most successful clients. Her name is Orla, and she's a sports broadcaster, podcaster, columnist and writer.

She is an excellent example of who gets the most out of working with me, and what can be accomplished when you have support around you. If you’re thinking to yourself, “Crystal, I don’t have anything in common with a globe-trotting sports commentator in Europe,” you might be surprised! Listen now to hear the qualities I see in her, and that you have within you, too.


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:59] How I ended up following bicycle racing on television, and discovering the talented Orla Chennaoui.
  • [05:00] Pursuit of your calling with excellence
  • [05:35] Using time productively to fit in all the things you love
  • [06:30] Why questioning yourself is normal, and even helpful
  • [07:20] Seeking support is a sign of strength
  • [08:00] What I know to be true about my own clients - and you


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In the Next Episode

Leadership no longer means loudly bossing others around, and hasn’t for some time! So what does being a leader mean today? Listen in as I talk about the most important leadership position I’ve ever had, and the many lessons it’s taught me.


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