Episode #5: 7 Things You Can Do Now to Move To Move Toward Your Dreams

When you're ready to dream big and invite change into your life, it’s exciting! That’s probably why I often get asked, “what can I do now to get working towards my dreams?” The good news is that there are a lot of things you can do today, and then each and every day, to set the ball in motion. In fact, I came up with seven!  

This list is a step-by-step mini-guide to creating your extraordinary life; however, you can stop and re-visit any step when it feels right. In fact, I regularly make time to go back and change things if they aren’t working, or if my goals have changed. So start with step one, and then take your time working through the rest. Remember: creating the life of your dreams is a daily practice, not a race. 


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [00:25] Why gratitude needs to be the first step
  • [01:25] Create a framework for your dreams
  • [04:23] How to find clarity on your dreams
  • [05:47] Plan for setbacks and roadblocks
  • [06:00] Make short term goals
  • [06:35] Why you need to revisit your goals and dreams daily
  • [06:56] Like Marie Foleo says, “If it’s not scheduled, it’s not real.”


Show Resources

  • Connect with YOUR dreams and find clarity on where you want to go next, you’re ready for my Design Your Decade Goals & Dreams Workshop. Learn More here. 


In the Next Episode

Are you wondering what coaching and personal development are really like? These five things will give you a clearer picture on what to expect when working with a coach.


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