Episode #8: How To Create Better Relationships

Relationships are a key part of our happiness in life, whether with our partners, friends, or coworkers. In fact, creating happier and more connected relationships is a big part of creating your extraordinary life. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know how to do that - even when we want to. And I’m speaking from experience! 

My husband and I have a great relationship now, but that wasn’t always the case during the early days of our marriage and parenting. We were actually joking the other day about how passive-aggressive I used to be, which made me realize how far the both of us have come. Now that I know how to create better relationships with my husband, kids, and others, I want to share those tips with you. And for a slightly awkward trip down memory lane, I’m going to share the tips as they relate to my marriage.

Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [00:58] My assumptions about marriage and parenting
  • [01:40] More assumptions, but this time about counselling
  • [03:05] A second attempt at counselling
  • [03:35] When I realized I was playing victim
  • [05:25] What I started to do differently for our relationship
  • [06:10] How shifting your perspective changes everything
  • [08:30] Taking the lessons I’ve learned into other areas of my life
  • [09:25] The one message I want you to get from this episode

Show Resources

  • Connect with YOUR dreams and find clarity on where you want to go next, you’re ready for my Design Your Decade Goals & Dreams Workshop. Learn More here. 

In the Next Episode

Next, I’m talking about how you can get back into routine again by harnessing the power of habits (and how to make those habits stick.)


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