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Episode #13 How to Increase Your Mental Energy

Today I’m talking about generating energy, the second High Performance Habit. Taking care of our energy is so important because if you don’t have enough of it, how are you going to go after the things you want in life?

The High Performance Institute has studied how our energy levels impact our lives, and they show that energetic people are more likely to have a high level of success. They're also more likely to pursue education, be more creative, have better relationships, and be more assertive. And it makes sense; when you have more fuel, you go further and can do more. 

How energetic have you been feeling lately? Do you think you have enough? 

If your answer is “not great”, then this episode will give you some tips to protect and increase your energy - especially your mental energy. 


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [02:00] You can decide how much energy you get to have. 
  • [02:20] Learn to take care of your physical energy.
  • [03:50] How you can maintain your emotional energy.
  • [05:49] Signs that you are suffering from low mental energy. 
  • [10:50] How to protect and care for your mental energy. 
  • [12:20] Working relaxation into your already busy life.


Show Resources

  • Are you ready to connect with YOUR dreams and find clarity on where you want to go next? Then you’re ready for my Design Your Decade Goals & Dreams Workshop. Learn More here. 


In the Next Episode

We all have external and internal forces that influence our performance and motivation. Even with goals that we desperately want to achieve, it can be hard to show up sometimes. Life gets in the way, distractions happen, and sometimes you’re just tired. The third High Performance Habit is the key to keeping going when the going gets tough, and I’m talking all about in the next episode. 


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