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Episode 72: Learn to be More Self-Disciplined

Like all of the strategies I share to help you get out of your comfort zone and create your Extraordinary Life, this one can be learned. Self-discipline is a skill that anyone can develop, and it’s essential to stay on track to getting exactly what you want. 

One obvious sign that you need to work on your self-discipline is that you’re coasting through life. Every day is much like the last, and you’re not getting any closer to your big dreams. If this sounds familiar, this episode will give you strategies to stop coasting and start gaining traction again. 

You’ll learn how to weave self-discipline throughout your day, so you can build your resolve to do more of what matters while leaving the distractions behind. 

Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:14] A sign you need to work on your self-discipline.
  • [02:08] What to do when distractions get in the way of your goals.
  • [04:49] How to use (any) good habit to build self-discipline.
  • [07:30] The types of accountability you need to succeed.
  • [09:14] I saved the best tip for last! 

Show Resources

  • Are you ready to stop drifting and start creating your dream life? Sign up for the Design Your Decade Workshop and get started today. 
  • Learn more about my Group Coaching Program and take advantage of the early bird discount! 
  • Read this episode on the blog
  • Book a free consultation with me to see if we’re a good fit to work together, and ask your questions about the Group Coaching Program. 

Enjoy the Show?

In the Next Episode:

Sometimes, despite all your best efforts, you find yourself in a slump. In the next episode, I’m sharing what to do the next time it happens to you.


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