Podcast #79
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Extraordinary Life Podcast from the creator of the Extraordinary Life Tribe, Crystal Obregon, the Self-Development Podcast propelling you forward toward your goals using science-backed high performance habits. Reach the next level in your physical and mental health. See new heights in your relationships.
[00:00:18] Gain clarity on your purpose and live your extraordinary life. Welcome your host writer, speaker and coach, Crystal Obregon.
[00:00:29] Hi there. This is Crystal of Crystal Obregon Coaching with Episode Number 79 of the Extraordinary Life Podcast. This month I've been talking about gaining mental clarity along with learning how to think positively, which I talked about last week.
[00:00:47] Another way you can limit the amount of mental clutter in your head and regain control of your mind is by improving your focus. There are several external factors [00:01:00] that can lead you to lack focus and some ways to help you focus better and more consistently. Having the ability to focus is a tool that every successful person needs to learn to cultivate at some capacity.
[00:01:16] When your focused, the chances are higher, that you'll be able to achieve the following important mental capabilities. First of all, setting goals that are based on your own preferences and desires. Making choices with more certainty based on what you truly want and what your goals are. The ability to figure out the path that will lead you to what you want.
[00:01:41] And finally, finding greater motivation from your daily tasks, because you know you're working toward achieving larger goals. In contrast, mental clutter can keep the brain from accomplishing straightforward and pre-determined tasks. Training the mind to be [00:02:00] able to focus on a given task that will lead to something greater, brings with it drive and confidence and enthusiasm.
[00:02:09] Unfortunately, sometimes all the mental clutter in our heads, Makes it seem like even finding focus is a dream that can't be reached. Have you ever felt like that? Like you must reach the dream of focus first? Me too. It's not easy in this world of smartphones and constant distraction. However, you need to personally determine what's causing you to lose focus in the first place.
[00:02:36] For example, if you're someone who is self-described as a scatterbrain, just realize that there might be more happening than simply being the type of person who can't keep track of anything. There could be significant physical stressors in your life that could be contributing to the problem. And that's what I'd like to talk about today because one of the six high [00:03:00] performance habits is generating energy.
[00:03:03] And what I mean by that is mental, physical, and emotional energy. Some of the physical contributions to lack of focus can be changed relatively easy once you're aware of them. And the good news is that changing these habits will result in an improvement in your physical health as well.
[00:03:24] The first one I'd like to talk about is overeating sugar.
[00:03:28] It's been linked to a number of chronic issues like obesity and diabetes, but too much sugar can also contribute to mental clutter. Recent studies have shown that too much sugar in the diet can increase your chance of developing Alzheimer's disease when you're older. This shows that sugar can have a negative impact, not just on your physical health, but on your brain's ability to organize and focus on information.
[00:03:57] While consuming too much trans [00:04:00] fat can also lead to obesity. Not consuming enough good fat can be bad for your brain because most of your brain is made up of fat. Based on the findings of recent studies, some doctors believe that if the brain doesn't find the proper nutrients it needs to thrive, it will even begin to consume itself.
[00:04:22] So instead of focusing on a diet that is low in fat, you should instead focus on a diet that is low in carbohydrates because most carbohydrates, when they're broken down, turn into sugar. And as previously mentioned, too much sugar can become a problem for the brain. Focusing on foods with healthy fats such as eggs, avocados, and oils, such as olive, flax, and walnut, and some types of fish, is a better way to go.
[00:04:55] I know that for so long there was this whole low fat this, [00:05:00] low fat that. Often those foods that are labeled low fat come with chemicals and all kinds of things that are also not that great for you. Your body does need fat, it just needs to be the right kinds of fats.
[00:05:15] Another way that you can eliminate some of the mental clutter in your head is actually by drinking more. More than half of the population of the United States anyway is considered to be continually dehydrated.
[00:05:31] So other than fat, your brain is made up of water and like fat, it needs water to function at maximum capacity. If you find and suspect that you might be dehydrated, like many of us, start tracking and drinking more water throughout the day to help you eliminate mental clutter and gain more focus and clarity and energy. Being dehydrated is tiring.[00:06:00]
[00:06:01] Another culprit of brain fog is a low level of essential minerals, specifically vitamins D and b12. Vitamin B12 will help keep your memory sharp. and a lack of it can even lead to digestive problems later in life. On the vitamin D side, yes, you can absorb vitamin D through your skin from the sun, but even most people in the southern parts of the US don't get enough sun.
[00:06:32] So consider taking a Vitamin D supplement and it has other benefits too.
[00:06:38] Another nutritional factor that I'd like to add are food sensitivities. I wrote about them extensively many years ago, and I will put a link to one of those articles in the podcast notes. Food sensitivities are often the result of gut health issues.
[00:06:57] Specifically sensitivity to gluten [00:07:00] is becoming more and more common. You can test for food sensitivities. That's a pretty easy finger prick test. Or you could do an elimination diet where you eliminate certain foods and then gradually add them back in and notice how you feel. But either way, un addressed food sensitivities can cause brain fog and even anxiety and depression, so it's worth checking out.
[00:07:28] As you can see, physical factors and how you fuel your body and mind are important to focusing on what you need to do to achieve your goals and dreams. So try experimenting with some of these ideas. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you make any major changes. I don't know your specific situation.
[00:07:51] And next week I will talk about some ways and some tools to clear your mind that don't take much time [00:08:00] and are easy and available to anyone. That's it for now. Reach out if you have questions or want some help. Just let me know how it's going for you by emailing Crystal at Crystal Obregon.com. So have a great rest of your day and bye for now.
[00:08:21] Thank you for listening to the Extraordinary Life Podcast with writer and coach, Crystal Obregon. We'd love to connect with you outside of the podcast too. To find more helpful insights, show notes, and more about Crystal, go to Crystal Obregon.com. That's O B R E G O N, where you'll also find info for the Design Your Decade workshop.
[00:08:40] This workshop will help you to stop drifting and start creating. Until next time, be extraordinary.