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Episode #15: A Different Way to Look at Productivity

Today, I’m inviting you to look at the definition of productivity differently; it isn’t about doing more, but doing more to reach your goals. The type of productivity I’m talking about is how to do the things that matter the most, and skipping the rest where you can. 

It sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? So why are most people feeling like they aren’t productive enough, and feel overwhelmed when it comes to getting it all done? A big one is that we don’t know how to prioritize our tasks. This is because we are focusing on the tasks themselves, rather than the goals we have and the steps needed to get us there. 

Listen in to learn how to embrace a different style of productivity; one that will help you create your extraordinary life. 

Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:07] A different definition of being productive.
  • [03:10] Why you don’t feel productive enough.
  • [03:58] Using your goals to increase your productivity.
  • [08:12] How I’m being productive in my business.
  • [15:12] A more personal example.

Show Resources

  • Are you ready to connect with YOUR dreams and find clarity on where you want to go next? Then you’re ready for my Design Your Decade Goals & Dreams Workshop. Learn More here. 
  • Join me and an incredible community of other like-minded women moving out of their comfort zones and into their extraordinary lives. Join The Extraordinary Life Tribe. 

In the Next Episode

Join me next week as I share the fifth High Performance Habit: Develop Influence.


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