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Episode #34: What If You Don't Have a Dream?

I work with a lot of inspiring women who have big dreams and ideas for their lives. But did you know that I work with just as many amazing women who aren’t sure what they want from their lives quite yet? 

Even if you don’t know what your big dreams are right now, you still have the potential to live an extraordinary life. Creating your dream life starts with imagining what it could be, and in today’s episode I’m sharing ways that you can tap into those hidden dreams you have inside. 

If you have a desire to be, do, or have something, then the opportunity exists for you to pursue it. You just need to be open to seeing it. 


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [03:25] What if you don’t want your current passions or hobbies to be front and center in your dream life? 
  • [04:50] Why hand-me-down beliefs could be holding you back.
  • [08:46] Five questions to help you find your dream. 
  • [10:06] When I look back on my life, this one thing has always come naturally to me. 
  • [12:01] How to use these tips to start taking action and uncover your big dreams. 


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In the Next Episode

I'm back with another interview with another Extraordinary Woman. This time, I'm talking to a writer who has followed her passion from childhood and is now working on her first novel. Her path has been a winding one, but she's yet another example that no matter what life throws at you, you can achieve your dreams. 


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