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Episode #35: Follow the Winding Path

There are very few of us who’ve led charmed, easy lives. Looking back on the life you’ve lived so far, I bet there are many challenges and unexpected obstacles that have got in your way. And yet here you are, the wonderful person you are, in part because you overcame those things. Yet for some reason, when we are looking forward to a big goal or dream, we don’t expect the unexpected. And when it inevitably happens, it can be devastating in the moment. 

In today’s podcast, I’m interviewing an extraordinary woman who dreamed of being a writer as a child. Today, that dream has come true, though not without walking a winding path with unexpected surprises. As she says, her path wasn’t linear, but everything happens for a reason. 

I hope you come away from this podcast with the gentle reminder that the path you are on is meant to be enjoyed, and that you’ll get where you need to be in the end. 


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [02:00] Meet Patricia White, a mother, wife, writer, and editor. 
  • [02:49] The roundabout way Patricia (eventually) became a writer.
  • [07:49] Learn how Patricia is turning her grandparents’ love story into a novel, and the big dreams she has for it. 
  • [12:50] If you want to become a writer (of any kind), this is Patricia’s advice to you. 
  • [13:58] How she reconciled stopping writing while her daughter was young. 
  • [16:25] The challenge of balancing life, dreams, and hobbies, and what’s working for her right now. 
  • [21:43] The surprising influence of Patricia’s daughter on her life, and what she learned from her. 
  • [25:30] Why she believes that everything happens for a reason.   

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In the Next Episode

Ever since I recorded Episode 24 I've been thinking about those who haven't discovered their big dreams yet. Since I DO know what my dreams are, I've decided to pull back the curtain and let you peek into how I'm making my dreams come true... and how you can follow my lead. 


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