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Episode #45: What it Takes to Follow Through

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to keep appointments and promises to others, but that we often struggle to stay true to our word when it comes to ourselves? When you keep breaking promises to yourself, your subconscious becomes distrustful of what you say you’re going to do and further sabotages your efforts to follow through. 

It may sound strange that you may not trust that you’re going to do what you say you are, but it’s true. That’s why I’m sharing four ways you can rebuild that trust by consistently  increasing your mental strength. 

When your mind is strong, you can keep the promises you made to yourself that will help you create the extraordinary life you deserve. 


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:40] The way I failed at the mental-strength challenge I set for myself, and how I could have avoided it. 
  • [06:24] The first two tips will challenge you to be consistent by starting small.
  • [09:15] The last two tips will help you take control of your mental and physical spaces, and what you let into your life. 
  • [14:25] A gentle reminder to start where you are. 


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In the Next Episode

Coming up is the next "layer" in taking control of your life and mind, and creating one that feels extraordinary. These daily practices can be done in as little as ten minutes a day, but will go miles in creating inner quiet and strength. 


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