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Episode #48: Defining a Prosperous Life

We are jumping right into this episode, which is a continuation of Episode 47: A Gentler Way to Go After Your Dreams. In the second half of my conversation with Nafissa, a coach, mentor, and healer, we switch gears to chat more about what it means to live a prosperous life. Prosperity is often linked to wealth, and while Nafissa admits she likes nice things, she is at a point in her life where prosperity has a deeper meaning. 

She has moved beyond seeking upward mobility and levelling up, and is now more focused on strengthening her internal roots and leaving behind a legacy. For her, that means standing up for her beliefs and being conscious about the impact she has on others - both in a positive way. This episode will leave you thinking about how you show up in the world, and what you want to leave behind. 


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:27] What prosperity means to Nafissa now, in her fifties, compared to earlier in her career. 
  • [05:37] From living the laptop life to becoming deeply rooted in herself, Nafissa shares her priorities in life personally, and in her business. 
  • [12:58] How she is leaning into legacy as part of a prosperous life, without controversy or conflict. 
  • [20:00] On her path to happiness, Nafissa has a  goal to get to a point where external conditions don’t affect who she is internally, in a “leadership of self”. 


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In the Next Episode

What is your biggest fear? Whether it's heights like me, a fear of failing, or even the fear of change, the next episode brings you nine strategies you can use to overcome them. You deserve to live an extraordinary life; don't let those fears hold you back! 


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