Ep 38 Final
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Extraordinary Life Podcast from the creator of the Extraordinary Life Tribe, Crystal Obregon, the self-development podcast propelling you forward toward your goals. Using science backed high performance habits, reach the next level in your physical and mental health, see new heights in your relationships.
[00:00:18] Gain clarity on your purpose and live your extraordinary life. Welcome your host writer, speaker and coach, Crystal Obregon.
[00:00:31] This is Crystal of Crystal Obregon Coaching with Episode Number 38 of the Extraordinary life Podcast. Last week, I led you through a process of evaluating and tracking where you are in your life and what needs to be changed using the six high-performance habits. If you haven't listened to that episode, I'd recommend making some time to go back to it.
[00:00:57] The six habits are a great [00:01:00] baseline and I'm always evaluating how I'm doing on them and trying to improve life happens. And sometimes you might need more focus in one area than another, and periodically taking the time to assess yourself gets you back on track. We spend a full six months on the high-performance habits in the extraordinary life tribe for a reason.
[00:01:25] And we touch on them again and again. The second half of the year in the extraordinary life tribe is spent on the charge sessions. These are based on Brendon Burchard's book, the charge, the charge life feels engaged, energetic, and enthusiastic. Leading a charge life starts with thinking about and strategically managing your long-term energy and engagement in life.
[00:01:55] It involves making the decision to move beyond the boundaries and [00:02:00] beliefs that you or others may have set for you. It involves deciding what you really want and staying true to it. Notice that I said what you want, not what you need. If you're listening to this, you probably have what you need. You probably have food, water, sleep and protection from the elements.
[00:02:23] The 10 human drives are more about what you want. And there are the activators to consistently improving your life and sustaining higher levels of energy, engagement, and enthusiasm. There wouldn't really give you that spark that makes you feel alive in this episode. I'm going to share a brief review of all 10 so that you can start thinking about where you fall in activating these drives.
[00:02:51] It's just a starting point. And you can do, like I suggested last week and give yourself a score on a scale of one to [00:03:00] 10 on each of them say for the last six months or so, take out a pen and paper when you're done. Tell you them at two, give yourself an overall. The first five of the 10 human drives are the so-called baseline drives.
[00:03:19] The first is control. And as I'm sure, you know, there are good and bad kinds of control. We all know people that we might call control freaks. They try to control every bit of their lives and the lives of those. On the other end of the spectrum are people that seem to drift this way in that way and have very little control of their lives.
[00:03:45] I want you to think of the drive for control as being how control you are of your overall life. If you have a handle on your life, you're progressing and you can bounce back from setbacks and continue [00:04:00] forward. That's what I'm talking about. Give yourself a score of one to 10. The second of the human drives is the dry for competence.
[00:04:12] Competence is your knowledge, your skill, your ability in any area of life, it could be parenting. Relationships could be at work, could be in your hobbies. Confidence is important because if you don't feel competent at something, you feel less confident in trying it. And this is where learning or really lifelong learning comes in because we can learn new tricks.
[00:04:38] It's important to regularly learn new things, to help you progress, and obviously to feel alive. The third of the human drives is the drive to develop congruence. Congruence is how aligned you are with your values and your highest potential. If you're not feeling [00:05:00] aligned, you might feel out of sorts or upset.
[00:05:03] And when you do feel align with who you really know, you can be, you feel a sense of pride and fulfillment in your life. Everyone wants that. The fourth human drive is a desire for caring. It's important to our ability to feel safe and accepted. When you're cared for and have a deep caring for others, you feel happier and healthier.
[00:05:30] You're more engaged and grateful. Think about how you feel when you're in service to others. It feels good. Right. And then think about how it feels when someone is caring towards you. Also good. The fifth human drive and the last of the baseline drives is the drive for connection. Again, I think we've all become clued into how important connection is in the last few [00:06:00] years, feeling connected to the people in your life and having healthy relationships, both in your personal and professional life can bring great joy.
[00:06:11] You can start to see that these five human drives taken together. Add up to a comfortable and happy life. In the extraordinary life tribe and my private coaching, we go much deeper into the specific strategies to activate these drives. The next set of five human drives are different from the first in that while the baseline drives make you feel more secure and stable, the second five, the forward drives can shake you up so that you can ultimately feel more satisfied.
[00:06:50] But they're harder and more uncomfortable to activate on a consistent basis, but it's worth it to push through the resistance. [00:07:00] The first of these five is change. Change is how you adapt, grow and activate your best self. It involves trying new things and always trying to improve many areas of your life.
[00:07:15] Think about the last six months, have you been proactive in making necessary changes in your life to adapt, grow and activate your best self? Or do you shrink away from change? If you can. This is a big one. The second of the four drives is challenge. Challenge is central to everything. You must be willing to push yourself to your highest level of growth in contribution.
[00:07:43] I know it can be easy to stay where you are in your comfort zone, but can you tap into how you feel when you've challenged yourself and risen to your expectations? You feel alive. The third of the four [00:08:00] drives is creative expression. This goes beyond artistic expression, although that's important too.
[00:08:07] Creative expression is about how you share your unique identity with the world. And you can see why we do the high-performance habits first because creative expression can require a lot of courage. Sensing and exhibiting the true you, even if it makes some people uncomfortable is what will create a truly extraordinary life.
[00:08:32] Do you share your real thoughts and opinions? Do you feel creative in your life? Are you being authentic to who you really are? The fourth for a drive is contribution. This leans on clarity of purpose in that some types of contribution lead to fulfillment while others lead to exhaustion, looking outside of ourselves and finding meaning in what you do [00:09:00] is the secret to feeling like you've made a difference and served a purpose beyond your needs.
[00:09:06] Think about if you're giving good things to the world or contributing to something meaningful. The last of the human drives is consciousness. As human beings. We have the unique ability to seek a heightened consciousness or awareness of ourselves, our surroundings, and our spirit being present and mindful each day.
[00:09:32] And also being aware that your thoughts and actions create your reality. Not anything else come from consciousness. Are you aware of your thoughts? Are you present in mindful in your most important relationships? Those are all so big and there are many ways that we explore our consciousness. So that's all 10 tally yourself up.
[00:09:59] [00:10:00] If you've been keeping score and let me know how you did. This was another very meaty episode, but I wanted to give you a taste of the process and the curriculum I use to help you gain greater self-awareness and create an extraordinary life for yourself. No matter what's going on in your community or the world, these tools can be used over and over again, to become more self aware.
[00:10:31] And become more alive and fulfilled in your life. And the good news is that your positive energy will radiate out from you and create exponential amounts of goodness in the world. So if you don't want to do this work for yourself, please do it for the world. The Extraordinary Life Tribe is open for enrollment for a few more days.
[00:10:55] The link to the information page is in the show notes. [00:11:00] If you'd like, make an appointment for a free consultation to see if this program is right for you next week, I'll be back with another interview of an extraordinary woman that has led several different lives in her lifetime. She's super fun. So be sure to tune in and have a great rest of your week.
[00:11:22] Bye for now. Thank you for listening to the Extraordinary Life Podcast with writer and coach Crystal Obregon. We'd love to connect with you outside of the podcast, too. To find more helpful insights, show notes and more about crystal. Go to crystal oprah.com. O B R E G O N, where you will also find info for the Design Your Decade workshop.
[00:11:44] This workshop will help you to stop drifting and start creating until next time Be Extraordinary.