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Episode #75: Take The Leap

If you’re waiting for a sign that you need to stop planning, waiting, and dreaming of your Extraordinary Life, this is it. It’s time to take the leap of faith and make your goals and dreams come true. 

In this episode, I’m giving you the simple ingredients you need to be successful once you get out of your comfort zone and on to the path toward your dreams. There will be bumps along the way, but if you keep these skills in your back pocket, you’ll be just fine. 

Whether it’s a new year, a new week, or a new day, now is the perfect time to take the leap. Only you can make your dreams come true and it starts with just one step.

Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:15] Stop planning, already! 
  • [02:56] The one promise you need to make to yourself right now.
  • [04:05] What to do when the unexpected happens along the way.
  • [06:00] Your dreams are your map; follow them! 

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