Episode #19: What Defines an Extraordinary Life?

The women that I see creating extraordinary lives aren’t unusual people. They haven’t been climbing the Himalayas or heading Fortune 500 companies, or unlocking hidden mysteries of the human body. They are the same people you see at the grocery store, driving their kids to soccer practice, or helping their aging parents with yard work. They really are people just like you. 

Still, it can be hard to envision what an “extraordinary life” might look like if you have been living a comfortable life in the status quo for years (or decades!). But it’s okay to want more out of your life. 

I consider an extraordinary life to be one that lifts you out of your comfort zone in pursuit of growth, joy, and purpose. So to give you a better idea of what that might look like for you, this podcast shares the components of an extraordinary life and the types of women who are pursing their own. (Hint: she’s a lot like you!)


Here’s a Peek at the Episode

  • [01:16] After a certain age, do women really want to achieve more?
  • [02:55] What things the women I work with all have in common. 
  • [07:16] The one thing women pursuing an extraordinary life worry about the most.
  • [10:23] What holds some women back from following their dreams. 


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In the Next Episode

In the next several episodes, I’ll be talking about how you can activate the ten human drives so that you can create an engaged, challenging, joyful, connected, and meaningful life.


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