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How To Be More Active Without Working Out

I think it’s probably obvious that I enjoy exercise and active hobbies; but I also love to curl up in bed with a good book or on my comfy old couch to watch bike racing on TV. There have also been (many) times where exercise was the last thing I felt like doing, but I knew I had to get moving in some way. 

If you’d rather do anything but exercise in your free time, I have great news for you: you can increase your physical activity level without working out! Staying physically active every day is important for your health, even if you hate the gym.

The Importance of Physical Activity

Being active helps fight diabetes, age-related muscle and bone loss, heart disease, some types of cancer, obesity, and a long list of other ailments that you may haven’t thought of in your earlier years. (Menopause, anyone?) At the same time, being active boosts your mood, improves your sleep, and helps fight stress.

Even with all those amazing benefits, 36% of adults (more than a third!) don’t engage in any leisure time physical activity. I know that if something can keep me healthy, feeling great, and is simple or fun, I’m in. And that’s exactly what I’m talking about here: moving your body every day can be both!

Move More Every Day Without Working Out

I believe you deserve to feel great. And if you have dreams that you’re chasing, you need to have the energy to go get them! With that in mind, here are some simple ways you can be more active, starting today: 

  • Walk or hike with a friend or group of friends. Time flies when you have company, it’s nice to catch up, and making plans keeps you accountable. 
  • Put on some music while doing chores. It makes it a lot more fun and it may encourage you to work a bit faster or even throw in some dance moves. 
  • If you live in a walkable area, ride your bike or walk to grab that coffee or do small errands. We got electric city bikes for this purpose because we live at the top of a hill.
  • Try pickleball! I haven’t tried it yet but I know people who love it. It’s low-impact, social, and gets you outside. 
  • Take on some (or more) of your own gardening or yard work. A small vegetable or flower garden, even on your patio, will get you outside and moving.
  • Set silly movement goals for yourself to encourage yourself to move more. Use a smaller water bottle so you have to walk to the kitchen to refill it more; commit to using the furthest bathroom in the house; or park two rows further back than you normally would at the grocery store. 

You can be as creative as you want, and there are no rules as long as you are walking, bending, reaching, and moving. 

Get Up & Go

This week, I want to challenge you to explore at least one physical activity that doesn’t feel like exercise. You’ll even get bonus points if it gets you outside. It’s not always easy to get started, so why not enlist the help of a family member or friend to come up with ideas or even join you.  Sometimes, all you need is a helping hand and a gentle push in the right direction. And often, once you get started, you’ll wonder why you waited so long! 


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