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7 Daily Practices to Clear Your Mental Clutter

 Over the past month, I've been talking about clearing out your mental clutter to gain more mental clarity for greater success. To wrap things up, here are seven daily practices that will help you gain control of any thoughts continuously swirling around in your head. Add these tips to your toolbox for when you find yourself ruminating or overwhelmed by unhelpful thoughts. 

Easy Strategies to Clear Your Mental Clutter 

Whether you can’t focus because of the to-do list running in your head, or you can’t sleep because you’re stuck worrying about work, we all get stuck in a “thought loop” sometimes. Your brain won’t turn off or let you focus, and it zaps your energy and productivity. Try one (or a few) of the tips below the next time you find your mind overflowing; or, better yet, choose one and make it a habit to keep those thoughts from turning up in the first place. 

1. Mindful Breathing. If you feel overwhelmed or are...

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The Positive Side of Positivity

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Whether it’s how you were raised, part of your genetics, or a conscious decision, it’s obvious that some people think more positively than others. Have you noticed that life seems to go more smoothly for positive people? There is great power in positive thinking, and it’s not just about feeling happier or being more optimistic. While these are great side effects of positive thinking, the benefits of it go much further and will help you achieve greater success in your life. 

The Benefits of Becoming More Positive

If being happier isn't a good enough reason to work on increasing your positive thinking, I’m sure that some of the following benefits will sway you to want to see the glass as half-full. 

The Snowball Effect

Recent studies have shown that positive thinking is directly linked to your brain's reward system and pleasure stimulus. This means that once your mind feels the pleasure that positive thinking...

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Let Go Of The Past For a Clearer Future


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We’ve all done things or had things happen to us in the past that we’d regret or would rather forget. Life isn’t always easy and can leave us with emotional scars or baggage. It’s up to us to heal the best we can, and thankfully there are many tools to do that. When you hold on to the past, it brings overwhelm and mental clutter into the present as you deal with people and situations around us. Letting go of what hurt you then will help you move forward clearly and openly now. 

Whether the past is holding you back consciously or subconsciously, it’s worth the effort to uncover what it is so you can let it go. Recognizing it is the first step, and there are so many benefits to doing the work to let go of that negativity. Letting go of the past is a positive, kind act for yourself, and the following are just some of the benefits that you’ll experience from doing so. 

Release the...

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Why Youā€™re Struggling With Your Goals (And What To Do About It)

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Have you ever wondered why you’re struggling to achieve a goal when you want it so badly? I’ve been hearing a lot of people struggling with this, which is why my podcast has been heavy on the cheerleading lately. You definitely are not alone! The struggle to move from what you don’t want into what you do want is more common than you might think. So why does it happen, and what can you do about it? I have some answers. 

The Struggle Is Real

When I work with clients who are feeling stuck and just can’t seem to reach the goals they so desperately want, they feel like they are banging their heads against a wall. “I want this so bad! Why can’t I make it happen!?” Very often, it turns out that they are the ones holding themselves back, though they don’t see it. (Hooray for an outside perspective!)

The trick to ending this stagnant situation is to take action… but when you’re stuck,...

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You Get What You Expect, So Start Expecting The Best

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Have you ever noticed that you get what you expect out of life? That what you think is going to happen does? We all live with an unconscious expectation of ourselves and our own lives, and this expectation not only determines what we have in our lives, but it also represents what we're willing to settle for. It’s a very powerful emotion and one that few people ever learn to harness to improve their situation. That’s a shame, because whatever you expect with certainty is what you will get in your life.

Ralph Charell said, "Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations." So what are your expectations for your life? Are you excited about your future or do you face it with apprehension, fear, or even dread? These thoughts can be about the far away future or what you expect for your day. 

Why We Keep Low Expectations

For many people, the future holds too many...

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Create a Life Roadmap With These 5 Questions

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could create a life roadmap so you knew exactly where you were going and which forks in the road to follow toward your goals? Since “the great pause” over the past 2 ½ years, I’ve been hearing a lot of “well, what now?” from within my network. It’s hard to feel sure what steps to take next after all the uncertainty, but I have five questions that will help you find clarity. Your answers will also serve as a roadmap, something you can refer to when faced with tough decisions or when you don’t know what to do next. 

I encourage you to think about your answers and write them down. There is something about writing that cements the thoughts into your mind, and makes them more tangible. It will also serve as a reference that you can come back to anytime you need. 

If you’re ready to jump back into life and achieve your dreams, I’d love to...

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Take a Peek Inside My Dreams

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A few weeks ago I talked about what to do if you don’t know what your big dreams are for your life just yet. I’ve been thinking about it since then because I do know what my big dreams are, and I wanted to let you peek behind the curtain. The fact is that the daily rituals I use to support my dreams help me get clear on what I want, and they can help you find clarity, too. 

My Five and Ten Things

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that most mornings I write down five things that I’m grateful for, followed by my ten dreams for ten years from now. 

My gratitude practice brings me two things. First, it brings awareness to what is good in my life, which makes me feel positive about my situation. Second, I can extrapolate what’s most important to me as I look back on my list. For the past two and a half years, I’ve found that family and health have stood out the...

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What If You Don't Have a Dream?

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I had a great conversation with a woman the other day, and she asked me “What if I don’t know what my dream is?” She was craving more from her life but didn’t have a vision of what she wanted that to look like. It was such a great question because many people that I work with start in that very same place. If you don’t have a dream yet, it doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve a more fulfilling life; it just means you need to do some work to discover it. 

Clarity is The First Step to Living Your Dream

Before I work with my clients one-on-one or in The Extraordinary Life Tribe, I like them to go through the Design Your Decade Workshop first. Learning what you want is the first step to creating your dream life because with clarity, you can take action. Then both steps will be repeated again and again as you work toward your goals. 

Get clear on what you want. Take action towards it....

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Dreams Donā€™t Need to Be Practical

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Have you ever gone through a struggle in your life, and connected with someone who’s gone through the exact same thing? It’s like a weight is lifted off your shoulders when you find out that you’re not alone in the experience. The experience could be going through a divorce, changing careers, or managing teenage children, but today, I want to talk about the challenge of following your dreams. 

In the busyness of life and all of the changes that the pandemic has thrown at us in the past two years, indulging in your passion may not seem practical. At least, that’s what some women were feeling in The Extraordinary Life Tribe last year. They felt guilty wanting more from life when they were already struggling with homeschooling, working from home, and the constant changes to public health rules. Not to mention regular work and family life! 

When the topic arose, however, I could feel a collective sigh of...

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Speed Up the Arrival of Your Dreams

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Do you want to speed up the arrival of your dreams? Of course you do! So why does it feel like it’s taking so long? One reason might be because you haven’t uncovered your big dreams yet. It’s essential to be crystal-clear on what your dreams are before you start thinking about your goals, next project, or new year resolutions; because if you haven’t envisioned how you want your life to be, how do you go about creating it? This is exactly what I help women do in my Design Your Decade workshops, and I’d love for you to join me in one of the January sessions (or grab yourself the DIY version). In the meantime, you can get a jumpstart by asking yourself the following questions. 

6 Questions to Help Speed Up the Arrival of Your Dreams

These questions will help you start to uncover your life’s dreams and make them a reality. So grab your journal, and start dreaming! 

1. What is your highest...

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