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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

The Most Important Leadership Position Iā€™ve Ever Had

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As a High Performance Coach, I have to recertify at least every second year in order to keep growing my skills and learning new things. This past March, I did my third recertification, and it was all about leadership coaching. Through the coursework and then as I applied it with my own clients, it struck me that as women, we’ve been holding extremely important leadership roles without giving ourselves much credit. In fact, I think being a parent is the most important leadership position I’ve ever had. 

While I practice high performance coaching, most (though not all) of my clients probably wouldn’t immediately call themselves leaders - at least not when we first start working together! They’ve never led a corporate team, or been head of a large organization; yet they are the leaders in their families. In fact, I’d say they’re the most qualified leaders, because they have to be in charge 24/7.

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