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Defining a Prosperous Life

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I recently had the honor of interviewing Nafissa Shireen, a coach who I worked with several years ago. In the first half of our conversation (listen to it here), she shared how important belief in her dreams was to achieving them, which was no small feat. One of her big dreams was to own a ranch, and she was afraid of horses! In the second half of our chat, we transition from her path up until now to the path she wants to walk in the future. 

We are both similar ages, and she touches on how her current view of being fifty-ish years old  is a lot different than the view of this age when she was a child watching The Golden Girls on television. As she says, “The Golden Girls were my age! And I realized that our generation is aging differently. We're looking at it differently, and not accepting age as a defect or defeat. We still have so much to do. It is not over just because you're over 45. Our priorities change for...

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The Most Important Leadership Position Iā€™ve Ever Had

Listen to this on the Extraordinary Life Podcast

As a High Performance Coach, I have to recertify at least every second year in order to keep growing my skills and learning new things. This past March, I did my third recertification, and it was all about leadership coaching. Through the coursework and then as I applied it with my own clients, it struck me that as women, we’ve been holding extremely important leadership roles without giving ourselves much credit. In fact, I think being a parent is the most important leadership position I’ve ever had. 

While I practice high performance coaching, most (though not all) of my clients probably wouldn’t immediately call themselves leaders - at least not when we first start working together! They’ve never led a corporate team, or been head of a large organization; yet they are the leaders in their families. In fact, I’d say they’re the most qualified leaders, because they have to be in charge 24/7.

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