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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

Being Bold with Tracie Root

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Have you ever looked back on your life at those pivotal moments that changed everything? You likely had no idea those moments or events would be so important, and yet the course of your life changed forever in a way you could never have guessed. I recently had a chance to interview an inspiring colleague, Tracie Root, who not only knows this all too well, but has embraced the idea that great things come from the unexpected.

During our chat, we cover many of the unexpected (and some tragic) events in her life that somehow opened new doors and ignited new passions for her. We all know what it means to "pivot", thanks to the pandemic, but Tracie puts a unique spin on the whole idea. For her, letting go of some control and managing expectations when things go sideways are what have led her to where she is now.

Today, she is leading an Extraordinary Life as a self-employed speaker, coach, bestselling author, and community builder who is...

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How Are You, Really? A Book Review

Listen on The Extraordinary Life Podcast Instead

I had the opportunity to read the advanced copy of Jenna Kutcher’s first book, How Are You, Really?, and it’s great. The stories she shares from her own life to illustrate what she’s teaching are instantly relatable and entertaining, and I would highly recommend the whole book. Rather than review the whole thing (you’ll have to read it yourself!), I wanted to discuss one of the three themes in the book that I’m passionate about: the importance of building a support network or system to help you grow and achieve your dreams. 

Your Community Will Change

The chapter Tacos and Truth: How to Create Your Authentic Community really stuck with me, because while Jenna’s life experience is different from mine, she had really great insights that could apply to me or anyone else. I think that it can be hard to nurture friendships and find an authentic community for a number of reasons that we all share;...

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