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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

Make Your Comfort Zone Bigger

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As much as I enjoy the holidays, I'm always happy to get back to routine. With the buildup to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year, it’s like six weeks of preparation and “unusual” days of visiting and celebrations. I love the time I get to spend with my daughter who has gone back to college now, and with my son who is nearing the end of his high school days. I know it won’t be long until he has left to follow his dreams, too. 

With a fresh year ahead, it’s the perfect time to take action on your own dreams. To do that, you need to step outside of your comfort zone; this is something you’ll have to do again and again. 

What Your Comfort Zone Is

I think most people imagine their comfort zone as a safe circle around them, where everything is predictable and cozy that doesn’t change. Surprise! Your comfort zone isn’t set in stone. It’s an artificial mental boundary that allows...

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It's Time to Face Your Fears

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Two weeks ago I wrote about why pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is necessary for meaningful growth, and this week is all about facing the fears that are stopping you from doing just that. When you start taking steps out of your comfort zone and toward your goals, your fears are going to come out of the woodwork one by one. They are going to slow you down and distract you, and the only way to deal with those fears is to face them. 

Have you ever wondered why you are afraid of public speaking, heights, or financial insecurity, but the person next to you isn’t? The truth is that we create fears for ourselves, both subconsciously and consciously. Some are learned, while others are passed on to us from important people in our lives. Let's use the fear of water as an example.

Perhaps your grandmother nearly drowned while swimming in the river. She developed a fear of swimming in rivers, and never went in one again. When she had...

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Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone With Courage

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 Chasing your dreams and changing your life for the better isn’t easy. It requires you to step out of your comfort zone again and again, something most of us would rather not do. Over the next few weeks, I’m sharing thoughts and strategies to help you get more comfortable with being uncomfortable, so you can start taking action and create the Extraordinary Life you’re dreaming of. First up is courage. 

 I’m going through my fifth recertification for High Performance Coaching right now, and in today's class we role-played the coaching session on courage. It got me thinking about how subtle courage is in our everyday lives. For most of us, being courageous isn’t about running into a burning building to save a bunch of kittens, but it’s showing up in smaller (though just as scary) ways. 

Everyday courage looks like setting strong boundaries, trying new things, breaking bad habits or...

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Strategies to Overcome Your Fears

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We all have fears in life that sneak in and hold us back; sometimes it’s an annoyance while other times it affects our personal growth and goals. The latter comes up with each and every coaching client, some of whom come to me specifically to work on facing their fears while others uncover them during our time together. Whether your fear is of heights (like me), or you want to work through your fear of change, failure, or even success, there are many strategies to help. 

10 Strategies to Overcome Your Fears

Working with a coach is a great way to get an external perspective on your fears and help you work through them, but there are lots of things you can do on your own as well. Some of the ideas below will help you lessen your fears over time, while others may help you in those fearful moments. I encourage you to try one or two that speak to you, be consistent, and be open to the possibility of releasing your fears (because...

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Develop Your Inner Confidence

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I've been coaching for over six years now, both health coaching and life coaching. There are hundreds of strategies, ways of thinking, habits, and practical tips to improve your life and feel better about yourself, but they’re all redundant without a foundation of confidence. You need to be confident in who you are now and where you want to go, so you can take the sometimes-scary actions required to achieve your goals and dreams. The good news is that you can develop your inner confidence with a healthy dose of self-awareness combined with good old practice. It all starts with connecting to your authentic self.

Know Your Values

Personal values are a big passion of mine, and I think they’re one of the most important things you can know about yourself because they act as personal boundaries. Children thrive when they’re given strong boundaries because they feel safe when they have something solid to bump into. The...

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How to be Courageous in Your Life

High Performance Habit #6: Demonstrating Courage

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We’ve reached the sixth and final High Performance Habit in this series of blog posts, which is demonstrating courage. I’m sure your mind went straight to dramatic ideas of courage, like rescuing someone from a burning building; but in the context of building habits to create an extraordinary life, courage is made up of the smaller actions we take that push us beyond our comfort zone. To me, being courageous is stretching to become a better, stronger version of yourself - and it’s something we can all learn to do. 

Find Your Version of Courage

Demonstrating courage will look different for each person, since we all have different goals we want to achieve. In my Design Your Decade workshop, I ask my students to look at their goals and dreams, and identify what courageous actions they can take now to achieve their ten year dreams. More often than not, it’s very small, brave...

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