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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

How Are You, Really? A Book Review

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I had the opportunity to read the advanced copy of Jenna Kutcher’s first book, How Are You, Really?, and it’s great. The stories she shares from her own life to illustrate what she’s teaching are instantly relatable and entertaining, and I would highly recommend the whole book. Rather than review the whole thing (you’ll have to read it yourself!), I wanted to discuss one of the three themes in the book that I’m passionate about: the importance of building a support network or system to help you grow and achieve your dreams. 

Your Community Will Change

The chapter Tacos and Truth: How to Create Your Authentic Community really stuck with me, because while Jenna’s life experience is different from mine, she had really great insights that could apply to me or anyone else. I think that it can be hard to nurture friendships and find an authentic community for a number of reasons that we all share;...

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10 Ways to Activate Your Extraordinary Life

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Last week I led you through a process of evaluating and tracking where you are in your life and what needs to be changed using the six High-Performance Habits. Once you start tracking them, it gives you a great baseline to work from and keeps you on track. They’re so important to creating your dream life that we spend six months working on them in The Extraordinary Life Tribe and keep coming back to them. For the other six months, we work on ways to activate your life. These are called the Charge Sessions and are what help you create an engaged, energetic, and enthusiastic life. 

Activating your extraordinary life starts by thinking about and strategically managing your long-term energy, enthusiasm, and engagement in life. To achieve this, you must decide to move beyond the boundaries and beliefs that you or others may have set out for you, and decide what you really want from your life. 

There are ten human...

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Connect With Intention

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Connecting with others is one of the ten human drives that Brendon Burchard talks about in his book, The Charge, and it’s been on my mind a lot lately. I did a small group coaching session about it last month, and many of the women said they wanted to deepen their connection to their partners. When you learn to connect with intention your relationships with your loved ones will improve, but so will all of the other connections in your life. It just takes a little positivity. 

Positive Projection

People are more kind, hard-working, and well-intentioned than we give them credit for, and they’ll live up to high expectations if given the chance. Studies have confirmed that if you project positive traits on others, they’ll rise to the occasion. If you tell your child how creative they are and give them the opportunity to show that, watch what they come up with. You can use this with your spouse, kids, family members,...

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Be Inspired by Something New

Activating the 10 Human Drives: Control

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When my clients first come to me, many feel stuck. They have a “good” life and not much to complain about, but each day is the same as before. They feel like they are living in the movie Groundhog Day, and want to feel more joy, meaning, and fulfilment in their lives. A great tactic to feel inspired again is by introducing newness into your life. This is also one way to activate the first Human Drive, control, as defined by Brendon Burchard in his book, The Charge

Much like I shared the six High Performance Habits that I use to help my clients create their extraordinary lives, now I’m introducing the ten Human Drives that we can harness in our quest for more. I’m trained on both through the High Performance Institute, and use them as a framework for my coaching. By learning to activate these ten simple drives, you will feel more empowered to show up and create...

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