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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

Have you ever had a day where you started off strong, but later found yourself abandoning your workout plans and flopping on the couch with a bowl of ice cream? Decision fatigue might be the culprit behind this temporary loss of willpower. Once you understand why it’s happening, you can get ahead of decision fatigue and see your goals through to success - even when Friends reruns are calling your name.  

Understanding Decision Fatigue

Research shows that the more decisions we make throughout the day, the more our capacity for willpower and self-control diminishes. This means that after a long day at work, an eventful outing, or during moments of heightened stress, making choices becomes particularly challenging. Whether it's choosing between going for a walk or indulging in a Friends marathon, we often opt for the path of least resistance. While decision fatigue can hinder our ability to maintain healthy habits and stay on track, acknowledging its existence empowers...

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Manage Your Mind Through Adversity

Listen Instead on The Extraordinary Life Podcast

The other day, my yoga teacher Kofi said “The Yogi is someone who takes responsibility for the thoughts that go through their mind.” I love the simplicity and deep meaning behind this quote, and it fits perfectly with my recent podcasts on managing your thoughts. This week, I want to talk about managing your thoughts when things aren’t going your way. 

Balance is a Myth

I find that many of my clients come to me feeling overwhelmed about having to do it all, while also wanting more out of their life. It feels like they can’t keep up in life as it is, so going after their bigger dreams seems impossible. My coaching approach is an active process, and I know (and want you to accept) that your circumstances and the balance between the different parts of your life will always be shifting. 

What this means is that I encourage you and show you how to take action in your life, so you can learn as you go....

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The Posture of Balance

Listen instead on The Extraordinary Life Podcast

Inside each of us is a special mixture of gifts and interests, and all of our extraordinary lives look so different! The one thing that people who are working towards their dreams and goals have in common however, is that they make the decision to go for it. In each of my interviews with people living their brand of an extraordinary life, I want to showcase not only the many versions of “extraordinary”, but also to show you that yes, you can have a life you love, too.

For Episode #31 of my podcast, I interviewed Sue Butzow, a posture therapist. We met several years ago in a networking group, and she’s been a member of my Extraordinary Life Tribe for the past year. I’ve also been a client of hers for about fifteen months.  Keep reading for the biggest takeaways from our interview, or listen to the entire podcast here

Meet Sue

CO: Sue, tell my listeners a little bit about yourself. 

SB: I'm a...

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