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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

10 Ways to Activate Your Extraordinary Life

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Last week I led you through a process of evaluating and tracking where you are in your life and what needs to be changed using the six High-Performance Habits. Once you start tracking them, it gives you a great baseline to work from and keeps you on track. They’re so important to creating your dream life that we spend six months working on them in The Extraordinary Life Tribe and keep coming back to them. For the other six months, we work on ways to activate your life. These are called the Charge Sessions and are what help you create an engaged, energetic, and enthusiastic life. 

Activating your extraordinary life starts by thinking about and strategically managing your long-term energy, enthusiasm, and engagement in life. To achieve this, you must decide to move beyond the boundaries and beliefs that you or others may have set out for you, and decide what you really want from your life. 

There are ten human...

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Take a Peek Inside My Dreams

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A few weeks ago I talked about what to do if you don’t know what your big dreams are for your life just yet. I’ve been thinking about it since then because I do know what my big dreams are, and I wanted to let you peek behind the curtain. The fact is that the daily rituals I use to support my dreams help me get clear on what I want, and they can help you find clarity, too. 

My Five and Ten Things

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that most mornings I write down five things that I’m grateful for, followed by my ten dreams for ten years from now. 

My gratitude practice brings me two things. First, it brings awareness to what is good in my life, which makes me feel positive about my situation. Second, I can extrapolate what’s most important to me as I look back on my list. For the past two and a half years, I’ve found that family and health have stood out the...

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The Posture of Balance

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Inside each of us is a special mixture of gifts and interests, and all of our extraordinary lives look so different! The one thing that people who are working towards their dreams and goals have in common however, is that they make the decision to go for it. In each of my interviews with people living their brand of an extraordinary life, I want to showcase not only the many versions of “extraordinary”, but also to show you that yes, you can have a life you love, too.

For Episode #31 of my podcast, I interviewed Sue Butzow, a posture therapist. We met several years ago in a networking group, and she’s been a member of my Extraordinary Life Tribe for the past year. I’ve also been a client of hers for about fifteen months.  Keep reading for the biggest takeaways from our interview, or listen to the entire podcast here

Meet Sue

CO: Sue, tell my listeners a little bit about yourself. 

SB: I'm a...

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5 Things You Should Know About Coaching & Personal Development

Listen to this on the Extraordinary Life Podcast 

When you first get started on your personal development journey or working with a coach, it’s out of the desire for finding more in your life. The “more” could be meaning, satisfaction, time, health, or any number of things, and each person’s journey is very personal and unique. That’s why it can be hard to know what to expect when you begin working with a coach! Your friend’s experience won’t be the same as yours. Yet because it’s nice to have some sort of idea of what to expect, I've put together a list of five things you should know about coaching that will make your experience that much smoother. 

1. I won’t tell you what to do. While it would be amazing if I held all the answers to your life, I don’t. You do! No one should tell you what to do, because you are responsible for your own life. But within a coaching role, what I will do is ask you clarifying...

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