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A Gentler Way to Go After Your Dreams

Listen on The Extraordinary Life Podcast Instead

As a coach, I spend a lot of time working with women to get clear on their dreams so they can start making them come true. Even after they find that clarity, however, many women still struggle with fear surrounding those dreams. 

Some of those fears are: 

  • What others will think
  • That they can’t possibly achieve them
  • Their dream is silly or frivolous
  • They’ll have to work 24/7 to make it come true
  • They’ll never afford their dream
  • And on it goes

I recently interviewed a coach, mentor, and healer who knows those feelings all too well. Nafissa Shireen left her business career behind and had a big dream of becoming a coach and of owning a farm. She was also afraid of horses, but desperately wanted to work with them. Despite the many fears she had surrounding her dreams, Nafissa did the inside work to make them all come true. She now has her dream farm, Believe and See Ranch, works with horses all day fear-free, and has also woven them into her unique coaching business. 

I invite you to listen to The Extraordinary Life Podcast to hear how she overcame her internal hurdles to make her dream come true - all without settling for less or “hustling” to make it happen. 

In the interview you’ll hear all about:

  • What it means to truly believe in your dreams, and why she named her farm “Believe and See Ranch”.
  • The secret, “obnoxious” dream she finally said out loud
  • Her advice for those who want to follow their dreams, but don’t believe achieving them is possible. 
  • Nafissa dealt with her own curveballs, and how to deal with your own. 


Listen to the Episode Now


Learn more about Nafissa’s approach on her website, and how she brings together mindset, energy, spirituality, strategy, and horse wisdom to help you create an extraordinary life and legacy.

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