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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

The Stages of Change

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I’m sure that by now you’ve realized that making changes in your life, even the positive ones, is hard. Our minds are wired to keep us safe, and changing the status quo comes with risk. That’s why we put off starting a new exercise routine, waking up earlier to meditate, or even drinking more water. Half of overcoming procrastination like this is understanding the process of change, and the other half is strengthening the “I do what I say I’m going to do” muscle. 

Over the past five years, I realized that I wasn’t making fitness a priority in my life as much as I wanted to. Since I signed up to be a coach on my son’s mountain bike team that’s improved a bit, but I want to do better. Moving each day is something that I used to do and want to make a priority again. That’s one reason I joined a friend to do the 75 Hard challenge. It’s seventy-five days of being...

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5 Tips to Get Out of a Rut

Listen on The Extraordinary Podcast Instead

We all have those days when our mental energy and motivation aren’t at their best. You might feel bored, disinterested, or like you’re living the same day over and over again. Days like these are going to happen, so it’s important to have some tools to combat them. I’ve just emerged from my own funk, so here are five tips to get out of a rut to save for your own “rainy day”. 

How I Found Myself in a Rut

Last week I found myself feeling blah. I was irritable and unmotivated, and didn’t want to do much of anything. It could be because the weather changed from sunny to cloudy, or the news, or that I was feeling stir-crazy after spending the past two years working from home. Even though I’m a homebody, I admit that I'm feeling “done” with being home all time. All of these feelings are valid, but I didn’t want to wallow around. I wanted to get my zest for life back! The...

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How to Increase Your Mental Energy

High Performance Habit #2: Generate Energy

Listen to this on the Extraordinary Life Podcast

I’m making my way through the six high performance habits, and the second one is generating energy. Taking care of our energy is so important because if you don’t have enough of it, how are you going to go after the things you want in life? Today I’ll touch on the three types of energy, dive deep on how to increase your mental energy, and share tips on how to spot (and prevent) burnout. 

The High Performance Institute has studied how our energy levels impact our lives, and they show that energetic people are more likely to have a high level of success. They're also more likely to pursue education, be more creative, have better relationships, and be more assertive. And it makes sense; when you have more fuel, you go further and can do more. How energetic have you been feeling lately? Do you think you have enough? 

Three Types of Energy


When I think...

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