
Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

What Defines an Extraordinary Life?

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My coaching, workshops, blog, and podcast all focus on helping women like you create an extraordinary life; but what exactly defines an extraordinary life? At the core, I consider an extraordinary life to be one that lifts you out of your comfort zone in pursuit of growth, joy, and purpose. To give you a better idea of what that might look like for you, I want to share some components of an extraordinary life, and the types of women who are pursuing their own. 

Regular Women Pursuing Extraordinary Lives

The women that I see creating extraordinary lives aren’t unusual people. They haven’t been climbing the Himalayas or heading Fortune 500 companies, or unlocking hidden mysteries of the human body. They are the same people you see at the grocery store, driving their kids to soccer practice, or helping their aging parents with yard work. They truly are people just like you. 

When my clients first come to me,...

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The Most Important Leadership Position I’ve Ever Had

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As a High Performance Coach, I have to recertify at least every second year in order to keep growing my skills and learning new things. This past March, I did my third recertification, and it was all about leadership coaching. Through the coursework and then as I applied it with my own clients, it struck me that as women, we’ve been holding extremely important leadership roles without giving ourselves much credit. In fact, I think being a parent is the most important leadership position I’ve ever had. 

While I practice high performance coaching, most (though not all) of my clients probably wouldn’t immediately call themselves leaders - at least not when we first start working together! They’ve never led a corporate team, or been head of a large organization; yet they are the leaders in their families. In fact, I’d say they’re the most qualified leaders, because they have to be in charge 24/7.

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Characteristics of my Favorite Clients

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I want to talk about the common characteristics of my favorite clients, and I’m taking a page from the way my amazing yoga instructor teaches his classes. Kofi Busia uses stories from his life, experiences of his family, and even taken from past students to help us understand the moves and lessons of the day. Today, I’m going to tell you about someone who inspires me, and how she reminds me of my amazing clients.

Did you know that throughout my 20’s, I did triathlons, mountain bike racing, and road bike races? It’s true, but I never was that great at road racing - which explains why I didn't have much interest in the races on television. But over the past year, I’ve become hooked!

Like everything new in the past twelve to eighteen months, I credit the pandemic with my racing obsession. That, and it was super hot and fiery (literally) here at the end of summer in 2020. There wasn’t a lot we...

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